First 25 posts: what I have learned!

When I started reading through the Bible chronologically this year, I did not intend to journal my devotion time or blog about it. After getting partway through Genesis, all the way through Job, and then back to Genesis again, for reasons I don’t fully understand, I just started.

One of the biggest hurdles I faced was fear! What if I get stumped one morning and have nothing to post? Will any of this resonate with anyone? What if this is all for nothing? Well, let me share three things I have learned on this new journey!

1. There is always water in the well!

This shouldn’t surprise me, oh me, of little faith, but each morning when I open my MacBook, God meets me in His Word and warms my soul with something to share. I have yet to find the well to be dry! Even through Leviticus and now into Numbers, there has always been water in the well of God’s Word! God has been faithful, and I trust His faithfulness for the future!

2. Jesus resonates with people!

By far, posts that have connected the Old Testament to the New, through Jesus, have resonated the most with readers. That should not be surprising! When Jesus is lifted up, He draws all men unto Himself! That said, God’s Word resonates with the soul. It has resonated with mine, and I trust it has with yours!

3. Cast your bread upon the waters!

Some of you may have seen this in the FAQ section, but I went through a five-year journey through the dark valley of forced termination from the pastorate. I explain this in more detail in the FAQs. Through blogging my devotional time, two unexpected things have happened. First, more healing! “Casting my bead upon the waters” has come back to help with healing from forced termination. Second, a platform much more significant than PulpitPress has asked me if I would contribute to helping others heal. Again, both of these things were unexpected. God is gracious!

What does all this mean?

I’d like to encourage you to step out in some way with the Word of God, your testimony, and your experience. God will help you! You’ll find Him faithful! You’ll find that He resonates with sinners like us! You’ll find that He will bless you!

2 thoughts on “First 25 posts: what I have learned!”

  1. I have been blessed by your posts. They have been a tremendous, hope to me every day. I can’t thank you enough for taking your time and effort to do these post. Getting these post every morning in my email has been so good for me to start the day out with a wonderful perspective from you. Thank you Matt for your love of God‘s word, and you’re sharing it.


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