And God heard them!

Has the Lord redeemed you and saved you from trouble? Has He saved you from your enemies? Then speak out! Or, another way to say this is, let the redeemed of the Lord say so! This is the theme of Psalm 107, part of this morning’s reading.

The truth is, have we not all cried out to God in a moment of desperation? Has not trouble from others or of our own making put us in a tough spot, and there was no one to turn to but God? Perhaps you didn’t even have a relationship with God, but you desperately cried out to Him, and He answered you! I have seen this several times in my pastoral work. For example, someone ends up in the hospital and cries out to God, who answers them miraculously. Did they deserve a response from God? No! Psalm 107 this morning gives us four examples of cases where undeserving (really, that’s all of us) people call out to God, and He answers them.

Psalm 107:4-9 reminds me of those who go about life without God. Their life is characterized by wandering. They wander from one vain thought, idea, motive, or lust to the next. All the while, they grow more and more thirsty as they discover this world cannot satisfy their soul. The story of Jesus and the woman at the well reminds me of this. Notice what Jesus said to her.

but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14, ESV)

What did this woman do after she found Jesus? She spoke out!

Psalm 107:10-16 brings to mind the rebellious who have scorned God and lived the hard life that follows the blasphemous. The psalmist describes them as imprisoned with deep gloom, misery, and darkness. They are chained to their misery. Yet, somehow, they come to the end of themselves and cry to God out of great distress, the God they have for so long rejected, and God snaps their chains! Did they deserve this? No! This reminds me of the thief on the cross who called out to Jesus. What did Jesus tell him in Luke 23:43? Today, you will be with me in paradise!

Psalm 107:17-22 talks of those who have rebelled in their sin and wasted their bodies and minds to the point of death. I have seen this happen several times. Sometimes, we call it the “deathbed profession.” Sometimes it’s the “God, if you heal me, I will…(fill in the blank)!” What does God do? He sends out His word and heals them (Psalm 107:20)! Do they deserve this? No! 

Psalm 107:23-32 reminds me of the well-off, rich, and wealthy who “ply the trade routes of the world” and think they do not need God. They are comfortable and prosperous, that is until the financial storm hits. Desperate, they cry to God, realizing that riches have wings and can fly away like an eagle. God does not ignore even them!

What can we say? None of us deserves God’s gracious response! Yet, Psalm 107:33-42 describes poetically God’s various reactions to our cries. Has God answered your cry? Then speak out!

Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, Even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD. (Psalm 107:43, KJV)

Thank you for joining me as I read and journal chronologically through the Bible! This devotional reflection comes from Psalm 106-107.


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