Who is Like Our God: A Powerful Comparison!

Isaiah’s Changing Audience

In our reading this morning, the prophet Isaiah switches audiences. The audience of chapters 1-39 was Isaiah’s generation. Chapter 40, through the end of the book, looks far ahead and addresses a future generation of Jews. In these chapters, Isaiah prophesies Babylon’s destruction of Jerusalem, the Jews’ captivity in Babylon, God’s forgiveness and deliverance, the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple, and the nation’s restoration.

The Supremacy of God

The theme that stood out to me is who is like God? Isaiah records God comparing himself to the idols and gods of this world.

“Present the case for your idols,” says the LORD. “Let them show what they can do,” says the King of Israel. “Let them try to tell us what happened long ago so that we may consider the evidence. Or let them tell us what the future holds, so we can know what’s going to happen. Yes, tell us what will occur in the days ahead. Then we will know you are gods. In fact, do anything—good or bad! Do something that will amaze and frighten us. But no! You are less than nothing and can do nothing at all. Those who choose you pollute themselves. (Isaiah 41:21–24, NLT)

The answer is clear: the evidence for the Lord God in the past is overwhelming. God’s control of the future is astounding. There is nothing that can compare to our God!

Daily Comfort in God’s Sovereignty

In the circumstances of life, it is comforting to look back and see God’s mighty hand and intervention, often God’s mercy and gracious provision. But also, what a comfort to look forward and know that God is there! He is the God of all our days! What peace this brings to the present! Yes, there is none like our God!

Thank you for joining me as I read and journal chronologically through the Bible! This devotional reflection comes from Isaiah 40-43.


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