Welcome to PulpitPress! My name is Matt. PulpitPress is an overflow of my testimony and labor in the Word.
On January 19, 2003, the Lord forever changed my life! He called me to shepherd the Lord’s flock. I have pastored in various positions over eleven years, nine years in MN and two years in MO. I currently serve as an Elder at Woodland Family Church in WI. The Lord has graciously blessed me with a bride of 20 years. Together, we have four wonderful children.
Indeed, God’s goodness and mercy have followed me in ministry. God’s grace and peace have been my supply through the dark valley of forced termination from the pastorate to times of still waters. This blog is where I publish my testimony of His glorious deeds and my labor in the Word.
Over the years, many have come alongside me and strengthened me with comfort and encouragement. Through this blog, I aim to pass on the comfort and encouragement to you!