Everything he desired!

One of the things that stands out in today’s reading is the emphasis on Solomon’s accomplishments. Solomon was a busy king! The verse that probably sums it up best is 1 Kings 9:19: He built towns as supply centers and constructed towns where his chariots and horses could be stationed. He built everything he desired in Jerusalem and Lebanon and throughout his entire realm.

The face of Israel changed significantly under Solomon’s reign. The Tabernacle has been retired in favor of the Temple, a true marvel and wonder of the world. Wealth has come into the kingdom at never-before-seen levels. The Bible speaks of gold by the tons. Descendants of the people that Israel did not destroy when they took the land of Canaan have been conscripted into a massive workforce. They built and rebuilt cities for Solomon, including strategic supply centers and military installations throughout Israel. International trade is mentioned, too. Solomon built a fleet of ships to bring goods from afar. 

It’s a booming time for Israel, an age of “progress.” While David was the man after God’s heart, the Psalmist of Israel, a man focused on worship, Solomon, his son, is not that. Sure, he minds the worship of God three times a year, but his emphasis, based on his actions, is much different. All this wealth and prestige on the world stage has eroded a simplicity of dependence on God. Humble beginnings are giving way to national pride. Wealth, ease, pleasure, and convenience are slowly infiltrating everything—where is it all going? The answer is coming up.

For now, be careful of what we desire. Ultimately, we may get it at the expense of losing what we had. Yes, change is in the wind for Israel.

Thank you for joining me as I read and journal chronologically through the Bible! This devotional reflection comes from 1 Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8.