Israel is back at it again, doing evil in the sight of God. This time, the Philistines oppressed them for forty years! In the middle of this period, the Bible introduces us to Manoah and his wife, the soon-to-be parents of Sampson. Manoah and his wife stand out in stark contrast to the disobedience of Israel. While Israel has abandoned God for idolatry, Manoah and his wife, who are childless, are refreshingly reverent toward God! In the middle of these challenging times, both nationally and personally for Manoah and his wife, God tells them they will have a son. Notice the powerful response of faith from Manoah!
So Manoah asked him, “When your words come true, what kind of rules should govern the boy’s life and work?” The angel of the Lord replied, “Be sure your wife follows the instructions I gave her. She must not eat grapes or raisins, drink wine or any other alcoholic drink, or eat any forbidden food.” (Judges 13:12–14, NLT)
Two encouraging thoughts come to the surface. Manoah does not doubt God’s Word regarding the promise of a son. For Manoah, it’s when, not if. What faith in a doubt-filled, faithless time! The second thought relates to their obedience. They are careful to follow the instructions when society around them is disobeying the LORD’s instructions! The results?
When her son was born, she named him Samson. And the Lord blessed him as he grew up. And the Spirit of the Lord began to stir him while he lived in Mahaneh-dan, which is located between the towns of Zorah and Eshtaol. (Judges 13:24–25, NLT)
Under the societal oppression of Israel’s sin and abandonment of God, here is a family that is blessed! In a faithless and disobedient culture, they love God! What a bright spot in the middle of some dark pages of Israel’s history!
Believers, are we not surrounded by a world of faithlessness and disobedience? Is not societal oppression from sin, evildoers, and the devil rampant around us? Is there not massive delusion today trying to crush any remaining pockets of godliness, sanity, and common sense? Yes! Can we be blessed in the midst of this? Are there others who have not “bowed the knee” to the wholesale idolatry of this present age? Is the Spirit of the Lord still stirring in the hearts of people, young and old alike? Is God still blessing people individually? Yes!
Then, it is time to rejoice that the impact of our light is the greatest when it is the darkest! Though conditions in this world may not be and have never been ideal for righteousness, righteousness, the Word of God and God Himself cannot be stamped out! Oh, how the devil has tried! This is not a time for believers to develop a fear-driven bunker mentality. In times like this, the following verse is all the more precious and powerful!
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18, ESV)
Have the gates of hell prevented the church, and will they? No! Can you and I still be blessed in a world filled with crookedness and perversion? Yes! Rejoice, no weapon formed against us shall prevail over us (Isaiah 54:17)!
Thank you for joining with me as I read and journal chronologically through the Bible! This devotional reflection comes from Judges 13:1-15:20.