Money isn’t everything!

Money is not everything! Today’s reading in Proverbs cuts through the fever of acquiring and trusting in wealth. It mentions there are some things better than wealth. 

Better is a little with godliness than to be rich and dishonest (Proverbs 16:8). Wisdom and sound judgment are better than gold and silver (Proverbs 16:16). It is better to live humbly with the poor than to share wealth with the proud (Proverbs 16:19). It is better to eat a dry crust in peace than to feast in a house full of conflict (Proverbs 17:1). Godliness, wisdom and sound judgment, humility, and peace are better than riches. There is nothing wrong with wealth, but there are certainly things better than wealth. 

Proverbs also talks about a misperception when it comes to wealth. The rich think of their wealth as a strong defense; they imagine it to be a high wall of safety. (Proverbs 18:11, NLT) Yet, what does Proverbs say about those who trust in high walls? …anyone who trusts in high walls invites disaster. (Proverbs 17:19, NLT) The Bible also clarifies that riches can be gone in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye wealth disappears… (Proverbs 23:5, NLT) If riches are unstable and fleeting, can one go anywhere for safety? The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. (Proverbs 18:10, ESV)

The LORD is here to stay—that fortress is not coming down. Riches can dissolve overnight, but godliness, wisdom, good judgment, humility, and peace are all things money cannot buy; these are true wealth. So, some people have a lot of money for a relatively short time; others are genuinely wealthy. To be deceived on this is to be greatly disappointed. 

Thank you for joining me as I read and journal chronologically through the Bible! This devotional reflection comes from Proverbs 16-18.